
Showing posts from August, 2021

General topology

  General topology [ edit ] Main article:  General topology General topology is the branch of topology dealing with the basic set-theoretic definitions and constructions used in topology. [11] [12]  It is the foundation of most other branches of topology, including differential topology, geometric topology, and algebraic topology. Another name for general topology is point-set topology. The basic object of study is  topological spaces , which are sets equipped with a  topology , that is, a family of  subsets , called  open sets , which is  closed  under finite  intersections  and (finite or infinite)  unions . The fundamental concepts of topology, such as  continuity ,  compactness , and  connectedness , can be defined in terms of open sets. Intuitively, continuous functions take nearby points to nearby points. Compact sets are those that can be covered by finitely many sets of arbitrarily small size. Connected s...